@if($auth && $subscribed == 1) {{__('Read More')}} @else {{__('Read More')}} @endif@extends('layouts.theme')
@section('title',__('View All'))
$withlogin= App\Config::findOrFail(1)->withlogin;
$subscribed = null;
if (isset($auth)) {
$current_date = date("d/m/y");
$auth = Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth::user();
if ($auth->is_admin == 1) {
$subscribed = 1;
} else if ($auth->stripe_id != null) {
if(isset($invoices) && $invoices != null && count($invoices->data) > 0)
$user_plan_end_date = date("d/m/y", $invoice->lines->data[0]->period->end);
$plans = App\Package::all();
foreach ($plans as $key => $plan) {
if ($auth->subscriptions($plan->plan_id)) {
if($current_date <= $user_plan_end_date)
$subscribed = 1;
} else if (isset($auth->paypal_subscriptions)) {
//Check Paypal Subscription of user
$last_payment = $auth->paypal_subscriptions->last();
if (isset($last_payment) && $last_payment->status == 1) {
//check last date to current date
$current_date = Illuminate\Support\Carbon::now();
if (date($current_date) <= date($last_payment->subscription_to)) {
$subscribed = 1;
@if (isset($movies) && count($movies) > 0 )
@if($auth && $subscribed == 1) {{__('Read More')}} @else {{__('Read More')}} @endif{{str_limit($item->detail,150,'...')}}
@endif @if($auth && $subscribed == 1) {{__('Read More')}} @else {{__('Read More')}} @endif