This is a node.js module for minimizing javascript (jsmin for short). It was originally written by Doug Crockford (, was ported to javascript by Franck Marcia (, which in turn was ported to node.js by Peteris Krumins ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The module exports 'jsmin' function: var jsmin = require('jsmin').jsmin; The 'jsmin' function takes three arguments: * input js code * integer aggressiveness level (defaults to 2) * optional comment to prepend to output (defaults to nothing) The aggressiveness level can be 1, 2 or 3: * 1 - keep original newlines in output * 2 - original Crockford's algorithm - remove some newlines * 3 - remove all newlines Start the comments that you don't want to remove (as process of minification) with /*! ... */ Example ------- var jsmin = require('./jsmin').jsmin; var sys = require('sys'); sys.puts(jsmin('function hello( a , b , c ) { sys.log(a + b + c) }')) Output: 'function hello(a,b,c){sys.log(a+b+c)}' Command-line Usage ------------------ Installing globally (using npm's -g flag) will also install a command-line tool for using jsmin: jsmin [OPTIONS...] [FILENAME] The input filename should be the last argument. If you don't specify it, input will be read from STDIN instead. Supported options: -o FILENAME --output FILENAME Specifies an output file for minified output. If not given, output will be written to STDOUT. -l LEVEL --level LEVEL Sets the aggressiveness level to be used. -c COMMENT --comment COMMENT Sets a comment to be prepended to the output. --overwrite If provided and an input filename was provided (rather than using STDIN), output will be written to the same file input was read from. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Have fun jsminning! Sincerely, Peteris Krumins